FlySUN - window view wing over WRV. Credit Carol Waller.jpg

Welcome! This site is dedicated to celebrating how generosity makes Idaho’s Wood River Valley special. It’s no coincidence that life looks brighter here. From world class arts and recreation, to help for those in crisis, loving homes for pets, and workforce housing, this valley thrives because people support nonprofits.

Together we’re building a brighter today and tomorrow.
Because it’s in our nature.

Celebrating a
tradition of generosity

It started when the Community Library opened its doors in 1957. Our first nonprofit rooted us in a tradition of giving and proved generosity makes the exceptional possible.

More than 80 nonprofits have blossomed in the Wood River Valley from this inspirational beginning. For over 50 years, they’ve been changing countless lives thanks to the enduring support and compassion of folks like you.

  • Get involved

    Learn how you can give back and keep the Wood River Valley a vibrant place for all.

  • Events

    Learn more about how generosity plays a critical role in our community. Events feature community thought leaders.

  • Shop it's in our nature

    Wear generosity on your sleeve. Five dollars from every item purchased goes back to supporting Wood River Valley nonprofits.

Nonprofit’s Contribute to the Economy

  • 1,300

    people are employed either full or part-time with a nonprofit

  • 10.5%

    of Blaine County’s workforce is employed by 55 local nonprofits (does not include St. Luke’s, BCRD, or the School District)

  • $41 million

    annual wages paid (66 nonprofits reporting)

  • $100+ million

    annual expenditures (80 nonprofits reporting)